Sunday, June 26, 2011

It's Gettin' Light in Here

I did a show several weeks ago where not just the stage, but the audience were awash in light.  I'm   guessing this was because the emcee and headliner engage the audience as part of their acts. It was disconcerting for me to see every wart, bald head and pants crease and, for some  reason, it made me feel naked on stage (not the effect I was going for).  I know the promoter and had it in mind to email, call or tell him the next time I saw him that the room seemed too bright and would he please turn the lights down for me when I performed again. I never said anything.  I had the opportunity to sit down and spend time with a headliner more recently and happened to mentioned my lighting dilemma. He told me that it was just tough. He said that over the years he has had to perform in some of the most undesirable conditions: too cold, too dark, too light, noisy audience, unappreciative audience, hostile audience, no audience, dilapidated stage, no stage, no microphone, bad smells and worse smells. He said that working under adverse conditions only made him better; first, he was honing his craft and second, he was showing himself and everyone there that he would not be thrown by less than perfect conditions.  It made me think of my court appearances--would I ever have told the judge that her courtroom was too dark, the witness stand was too far from the jury box or that her robes could use a good ironing? I guess Jerry Seinfeld can tell the show promoter, "It's too fucking light in here!" but I'm not even Jerry Seinfeld's third cousin five times removed. I'm so glad I didn't say anything. I sense that as I continue to work  and  get more and more comfortable  on stage (if there is a stage), the conditions will become less and less relevant. As I get better, I can interact even more with the audience and I may end up welcoming the house lights. And if I ever get as good and as popular as Jerry Seinfeld, then I can say whatever the fuck I please.

1 comment:

  1. i dunno, i picture you naked on stage everytime i see you...
